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3. Okt 2005|13:18

es nemaz un nekad neiru rupja, bet es neko nevaru izdariit ar sevi ja redzu SHITAADU eediena nosaukumu =

Easy Huevos Rancheros

ja kaac man iztulkos shamaa eediena nosaukuma buutibu (tur zemaak ira), tad mosh es uztaisishu kaadreiz, jo Tik Rupekliigu nosaukumu sen nebiju redzeejusi.:)

1 Serving

This is a good brunch or lunch dish. Look for a brand of canned, low fat and low sodium all natural refried beans. (Or, make your own.) Most of the fat in this dish is "good fat" from the avocado; if you're trying to lose weight, you might skip the avocado or substitute apple or pear.

1 whole wheat flour tortilla
1/4 cup low fat, all natural refried beans
1 egg (preferably organic)
2 tbsp salsa
1/4 avocado

Heat the tortilla in the oven briefly until it is slightly crisp. In the meantime, fry the egg and heat up the refried beans in the microwave. Assemble

the dish by putting the beans on the crisp tortilla and topping with the fried egg. Garnish with salsa and avocado slices
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