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[21. Sep 2008|22:33]
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Markss Engelsam 1851. gada aprīlī:

"I am so far advanced that I shall be finished with the whole of the economic shit in five weeks. And when that’s done I’ll draft the economics at home and throw myself into another science in the Museum. It’s beginning to bore me. At bottom this science has made no progress since A. Smith and D. Ricardo, however much may have happened in investigations into particular topics, which are often of extreme intricacy."
(Via RoughTheory)
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Date:22. Septembris 2008 - 11:01
Markss ar Engelsu sarakstījās angļu valodā?:)))
[User Picture]
Date:22. Septembris 2008 - 12:28
Es acīmredzami (man vismaz likās, ka acīmredzami) atradu citātu angļu valodā un nejutu vajadzību tērēt laiku, lai to atrastu oriģinālvalodā. Nav tak doktora disertācija.