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Familiar Ikdienas Nedienas @ 16:51

Garastāvoklis:: guess!?
Mūzika: nekas



Camden has successfully taken court action against Matthew Medlock from East London, for persistently causing a nuisance along Camden High Street.

The ASBO was granted on 1 August at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court.

It bans Matthew from begging in the boroughs of Camden, Westminster and Waltham Forrest for a period of three years.

Camden Council had received a number of complaints about Matthew from local businesses that he was consistently begging and giving the appearance that he was homeless. Further investigations showed in fact he was supported by
a dedicated support worker, stable accommodation and was in receipt of regular benefits.

Accompanied by his dog which would growl at Camden residents and visitors, Matthew had also been seen drinking alcohol in public places and was recently arrested in Camden for possession of Cannabis.

He had previously been served with anti-social behaviour warnings but Matthew continued to beg despite these.

Camden then had no choice but take legal action.

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