Yo, kāds zin kur ir un cik sen jau ir mūsu mīļais msk vienīgais nenomirušais talismans. patiesībā kas daudz vairāk. bez tādiem šajā dharmas līmenī ieklīdušiem augstāku pasauļu (bijušajiem?) iedzīvotājiem - karoče eņģeļiem, kas slikti maskējas (kautcik) humanoīdā formā - kā jānis daugavietis, mārcis, lai cik kādreiz ir licies savādāk, arī (un pat ļoti) uldis gedra ir augstākas garīgās cilts pārstāvis, bļedj varbūt viņa gadījumā tīra intuīcija, a leap of faith. 2007.gada 13.jūnijā (kad gan citreiz, velna dienā (arī man dzimene)) beidzot saņēmu dūšu un ulda telefona numuru, pazvanīju un es dabūju dzimenes dāvanu (10reiz krutāku nekā visas bijušās un nebijušās dzimenes kopā (ne jau tikai tapēc, ka es nesvinu, man neviens neko nedāvina un tie retie, kas zin kad man dzimene - ir bomži, kas groziņu vakarā/skolas eglītē vienmēr ieradās ar tukšu groziņu, bet uz atvadām atteicās ņemt neapēsto ēdienu līdzi (tieši tapēc, ka groziņš jau ir pārpildīts (Marger Martinson style))). Uldis gan ir izbesījies jau no dzīves sākuma. Uldis nes sevī augstākas apziņas gaismu, bet viņa prioritāte nav dalīties ar visiem un mēģināt padarīt pasauli skaistāku. Kāds ponts? šeit gedram ir elle, viņš nekad to mums nepieminēs, bet viņa reinkarnācijas procesā notika kļūme - atmiņu izdzēšanas etapā. Tapēc, UG mums (msk) vienmēr pēc skata licies nīgrs un šķiet reizi gadā mums par kko aizrādīja. Tagad es daudz labāk saprotu Gedru, redziet, vairums ļaužu visdrīzāk domā, ka Gedram noteikti mentālā plānā existē emocijas (pat spēcīgas), bet seja nav tā daļa, kurā atspoguļotos kaut mazākais prieks, izskatās, ka viņš nebūtu laimīgs, iespējams nezin, ko nozīmē tādam būt un viņam arī nafig tas neinteresē. Sad and
nano-annoyed was the usual impression/his expression. Nē, jebkurš cits, bet ne uldis gedra. Tieši atmiņas par dzīvi iepriekšējā pasaulē neļauj pasmaidīt, esot šeit zoodārzā būdams iežogots starp lohiem. Nahuj vnk gribas iedot pa muti visiem lohiem (kuriem pēc idejas jāiziet savs mega sansaras aplis (kas nezināja, pirmais aplis pasaulē (vēl pirms zeme radās no salipušu asteroīdu masas un vēl komēta nebija athujārījusi nost mēnesi (oficiālajai akadēmiskajai dogmai bļedj nav ko darīt ar visiem uzkrautajiem dolāriem. Tad arī sākas ar gaišredzību robežojušās gadsimtu un visu zinātnes patriotu (zinātnieki, kurus nošauj,nosit, nožņaudz (dažreiz pirmstam izvaro. pray to jesus and if you are lucky (and catholic) your murderer will have the taste for animals, children (not your gender) and the safest easy drive is when you know you will be killed by necrophilia connoseur. still get raped, only it is after your dead (or if you are not catholic, the raping might start a bit sooner, when youŗe atill kicking, last thing you experience in this fucking shithole is some translife raping. Katoļu inkvizitors (cits personāžs, bet viena banda, un es runāju par 17tā gadsimta spāņu inkvizīciju (es ahujel, cik daudz katoļu inkvizīcijas apolodžiki eksistē. es ahujel. Pat ja viņi stāsta patiesību par svētās inkvizīcijas darbību un to motivācijām. Neticu, ka kāds tam noticēs anyway. Ir tikai seši miljoni žīdu, kuri pazuda bez vēsts, bet protams tikai laikrakstos. Un jā, tiešām jau 19ajā gadsimtā presē iebruka stāsti par to, ka krievi grib nogalināt, citur, nogalinās (vai jau galina) 6 miljonus žīdu. pirmajā pasaules karā neizdevās, laikam involūcija (teorija, daudz pārāka,loģiskāka un sakarīgāka, par super novecojušo jobano Č.Dārwinu, darvas fabriku īpašnieku dinastijas pārstāvis, kas dzīves trešajā dekādē vairs nespēja izturēt savas dzimtas tabu noslēpumu. Būdams kristietis (ar misiju(vismaz apziņu)) Dārwins patiešām uzrakstīja kautko līdzīgu stāstam par Super Ninja Teenage Turtles. Pēctam šos tumsonīgos rakstus izcenzēja un izlasīja politiskajam plānam un agendai,propogandai un lai mocītu amerikāņu skolniekus - autisma upurus (tagad 1-2 no desmit sīkajiem USA ir autā, bet Amerika - brīvo varoņu valsts - mēdz risināt demogrāfiskas ar veselības saglābšanu saistītas problēmas pazeminot laktiņu (kas vienmēr tiek pazemināta un obesity gadījumā vispār noņemta, resnie taču nevar palekties, vai pat izstiept kāju, lai staigātu. Resnie pindosi nestrādā, tie dabū invaliditāti, braucamratiņus un čupu ar dolāriem katru nedēļu/mēnesi (kā kurā štatā, bet tā arī ir vienīgā starpība, iedomājos, ka Utah varētu būt tievāki, jo tur 98% populācijas ir Pēdējo Dienu Svēto Jēzus Kristus Baznīcas biedri, fanātiski, man vnk šķiet, ka mormoņi varētu būt zaudētāji amerikas all star obesity chart(, ņemot vērā viņu visai eksotiskās un strikti bez ierunām (to be born, live and die, never ever colliding with the meaning of the mystical verb - freedom. Pusamerikāņi (pēc tradicionālā svara un izmēra, lai gan priekš real badass american motherfucker (they use this cursed abomination of 'language' just as an excuse, it being - pindosi, jobaņij rot, nabraļi svaju supergavnovaju tradiciju - to fuck your mother (it is just fascinating that today we can still observe technics of involution (involuntary evolūcijas veicināša atpakaļgaitā (pusceļā no burgher kink, ieej ciemos pie mammas, tad jebkurā universā zināmas un pārbaudītas eižēnikas metodes, kuras, kad velniem un dieviem galīgi paliek garlaicīgi, pēc 26 gadiem varēsim svinēt "We waited for a century, no large scale killing action took place in Europe.So we, the thin mormon terrorists must finish some unfinished business. Planned together with Joseph Smith, our prophet who was (mormons) killed in a shoot out. Some seriously angry mormon incels shot all their jizz on Mr.Smith (hence the tradition of every (male) mormon doing the 2 years abroud in duo with other mormon, people get born not knowing there is much else, of course every mormon is proud of the top 4 most awaited sequel on earth - of course the book of the Mormon(sorry Quaran is a bit more powerful, i do not have knowledge of any mother fucking (although a mother who isn't particurarly your mom and neither her age is a one bad habit, because it slows down (albeit microscopically) the reverse evolution. Does it comes as a surprise that americans call each other names, the not yet scientifically verified ass sucking and mother fucking, which to best of our knowledge helps the rapid increase in infant autism, do not blame Bill Gates. For eugenically made special psychopats there are special punishments, i suggest a kidnapping of the bastard (because his brother is his father, and mother became your sister after giving birth. If anybody from the spectator world,plane, planet knows how to suck ass, maybe include that in next season of their superb reality show. But i have been tipped off about boredom in the higher worlds, soon the show about few of existing continents, at least they find it funny, our complete misunderstanding of the basic simple, but unusual and unseen by american satisfied mothers,i being proud of their sons and their ability to motherfuck them till it hurts... -camon continue you fuck! -you said it hurts so i decided to stop! -you must never had to have a woman before?! Why the hell, one second till im coming and you decide to stop. Fuck me! .... Harder idiot! Do your sexy duty. Know the feminine, and one day you might wake up to a femme fatale, which will not clunch their fists and hopelesly try to punch me, because i came, she needed just few seconds more. I come, got punched and called the fucker of fuckers or sometimes his bastard son Adolf. Last Adolf in european/american/australian commonwealth conglomerate (why commonwealth? few ruling dynasties still rule the top of the pop (by locating their mafia little bit above the eye which cryptically watches you from every one dollar note (i guess others too, i just have two dollars). I am a sceptic of the all seeing eye concept. First - no matter how high the pyramid and the sneaky eye is, if it is the blind eye every single one of us wouldn't mind if it would turn, at least turn that impotent joke of an eye on me. Actually, if any of you offworld folk, who postponed total destruction of our civilisation, and the top one best, most awaited sequel since the grandiose finale of 1946, everybody hates the motherfuckers from north america. Dig this - Mcarthur,a freemason who became (was made into rather) A vicepresident only 2 weeks before Frankie died. Obviously they (only they know who are "they". in short - They Live! (ja neessi redzējis šo filmu, tad tu iespējams nemaz nezini kapēc tev uz kepkas rakstīts OBEY. Ir gudreļi, kas piemin Banksija graffiti, kas imitēja scēnas no filmas.Un ir trešais stāsts par kautkādiem studentiem, kas izdarīja kautko pa vidu, ja kāds uzzin vēl kādu versiju par šo variāciju. Par studentiem stāstīja uģis reķis, sens cīņu biedrs, mentāli ticu, ka esam uz tās pašas stīgas apmēram, bet viņš ir no tiem cilvēkiem, kas dažreiz jūtas mazvērtīgi, kad viņš paliek muļķī, kādreiz nepilngadīguma laikos, uģis tiešām bija lasījis vairāk ne-daiļliteratūras par mani, kaut gan paga, tas tak uģis. Grāmatas, kuras es nezinu, var vienmēr mierīgi likt pie izlasītajām un stāstīt cik gudras grāmatas bļedj uģis lasa, patiesībā drošvien vecākais brālis Kapitan Gaudy, kas kopā ar jauko/jautro parādību - geroinšķiku Ruslanu Zubovu, izdomāja un realizēja lielisku ideju - radīja un vadīja "Latvijas neosātanistu" apvienību. Es paspēju redzēt iepriekšējā gadsimta (iz)dzīvojamības robežu pētīšanas dumpinieki, metāla vilnis jau bija pārbradājis eiropu trakā moša dejā, iespējams, ka nedrīkstu šitā riskēt sajaukt.Mošs laikam ir tiem idiotiem, kas kaut nedaudz sasaista sevi ar ANTIFA. Ja nezini, kas tas tāds par jēdzienu. Nosaukums bija tik oriģināls un izdomāt kautko citu - ne runas. Tapēc frustrēti tīņi bariņā iet pilnīgi idiotiskos protestos un Londjikā, kad dzīvoju ar daudziem cilvēkiem, kas reiz gāja musulmaņu gājienā, tipa izdomājuši aizstāvēt tik ļoti eiropā apspiestos musulmaņus. Par jebkuru citu reliģiju var zīmēt komiksus un rakstīt lugas, bet nabaga musulmanis nekad nedabūs savu "Muhhamad Ali- life and times of world boxing champion and renowned prophet, since it was still old testament mentality and memories (actually they wrote that shit in 19th century, I am totally sure new testament is not 2000 years old. It could be 1000(fools believe)years since jesus. I finally got it, the annoying american "patriots" who will stand with Isreal whatever it takes (only an American can woutch his everything on a fact that USA somehow and because since WW2 American economy did not risk to demobilise their army, british more or less left only few regiments, who 'as the old men in strange red dress uniform' were celebrating something connected to war, and i do not believe there are many soldiers who think it is cool to be chad, to never fight fair fight, because you will always have firearms and few gorilla sized motherfuckers next to you, and even lucifer waits for you, couse he wants to bring you some light. Not that Lucy (one of first monkeyman hoaxes,(still lucifer - he does something bad, bad bullshit - american traditional way of thinking. Youtube(internet as a whole, or better hole, yeah i heard a guy say - no way am i getting with a girl younger than twenty -guess why? "They are nothing more, nothing less than sperm pissuaries". It was a bit rough to hear, but a bit rougher when you start to think about it, usually when there is truth, it gets more interesting.Except that foul creation of americas autism disorder club (it is a football club, american football, i do not clearly remember, but was it not a breaking of game rules? To kick ass of some other degenerate with helmet.Unfortunately a nanoscopic part of halfopen shoelace did touch the ball (or zeppelin?!). This is enough, this is the land of free, the land of cool music videos(although uk has the music, america has show and motherfucking, it does not go away that fast. After the cultural tradition to not only participate in fucking your mom, it is one of the ways to try and find out it is impossible to be unborn, but the brother son and mothersister families are the modern choice of any USA citizen. The masters of this terrarium reality show really chose the americans for the target. Did you think some country can go downhill and upkilogram so fast by itself? U stupid? I thought that as well, americans are quite centered on their national business(some members of the alien race (most of the world is an alien race for anybody else, i forgot, everyone, except real america loving patriots in equal belief of bible (king james version, which is most widely used bible and it is most flawed. In 17th century it was easy to give the people bible in a language they understand, although in a large part of europe it was forbidden to read(or own) a bible if you are not part of nobility. After Oliver Cromwell died in his putrid self excrement, which was his mission in england. 20th century made a change for the good, sportsplayers became the new celebrities, nobody was ready yet (and 70 years later they are even less ready). In latvia (and all ex-soviet "shitholes"(imagine, mother fucking going on in every free second, but america is the land of free, so you can triple your weight, get money for being lazy,fat, american patriot, sportsfans and everybody - stupid dumpling form ugly and fun to fuck with them (for aliens or god(s) or maybe jews are worthy of finally getting over with the solution (it must be done, it is fucking unfair that jew elitist banksters,war profiteers and every other dirty jew, even if he's innocent, have given us many many signs since 19th century, pretty clear simbolism although there are some variations. From franco-prussian war until second world war there was very frequent almost cryptic messages about 6, sometimes 7 million jews will be killed in every major european war. Anen to the naked motherfucker, most of them do not care who looks(except lefties, you can find a motherfucker, any kind of motherfucker. -man genitalia/womans face one? -i am a tourist. i lie(because tourists live in the hotels or else indoors) -so this your first time in the land of the free and brave(last of them died before american independence war, land is still here. Dead=Free although some people believe in atheist nerds, who use plain mainstream low academic knowledge to outsmart each other by picking on the disabled kid, only one weaker than those shits. like me, i train fingers not fists, except if you get a good skill doing anal fisting,you will be needed, in whole wide world, but mostly america, reason being sex and violence being perpetuated in increasingly unthinkable, but better think, than watch, anyway. No anal fisting skill, no nothing. (tipa nopietnāk biš: šodien padomāju pāris minūtes par to, ka ir cilvēki, kas ne tikai prot, bet ņemot vērā faktu, ka tas ir žanrs, minu, ka ar apakšžanriem un dafiga cilvēkiem patīk skatīties un iedomāties, kāda huja pēc un wtf ir kulaks dirsā.) Džeku fistingotāju čem (with all pionu vairs neuzbudina (tik cik vakar) dirsu plēšana, viņu uzbudina, ja kāds skatās. Man sens paziņa, no kura valdis 2007ajā pirka geraču, M.Čečens bieži gribēja, lai kāds cits piš viņa draudzeni, viņam patika skatīties, draudzenei jau 13 gadus atpakaļ bija vitamīna žoklis ar maz un brukušiem zobiem. Čečenu arestēja dienvidfrancijas kalnos, atlidoja menti ar helikopteru uz viņu komūnu kalnos,to vietu viņi zināja, jo šad tad tika daži koperi atsūtīti reizi gadā - bojāt un ja var līdz galam iznīcinātviņi pat saules baterijas uzstādīja. Sākumā gan pirmās būdas celtniecībai materiāli tika dabūti klasiskajā un paties labākajā garīgajā un tradīcijās, par poļu naudu. Bet karma, čura bļe, izdarīja tā, ka dienu pirms evikcijas (kas gandrīz vienmēr iekļauj sevī siege warfare. Pirms es to visu sistēmu labi ierubīju nebiju domājis, ka iespējams noturēt skvotu. Pārsvarā jūs iekšā zinat, ka+kad šturms beigsies ar evikciju. Pieredze izrādījās iem un poļu strādniekiem plus bailiffiem - tiesu izpildītājiem. ja tādi vazājas ap skvotu, nekad nevienu nelaidiet iekšā, vienreiz man pietika atvērt durvis un paskatīties ar nedaudz zaļi pārsārkušām acīm. "Electricity check." babajs uztaisījis sev luminiscējoši mentiski zaļās vestes krāsā arāb sevī iekļauj daudz, neatceros cik, bet no mentu puses pilnīgi izgāzies uzbrukums. High court order ir pēdējais šturms(dažreiz pirmais'n'pēdējais) birokrātijas papīra gabals, kurš liek ment ērtāka situācija kaņepju saimniecību, kas katru reizi (es jūtu pat bišk) ir ļoti nepatīkams un dirsa dirsā gadījums. Pārdodot to stafu kkur pilsētā, sav these different small names for supposadely o (i was a tourist for few days and then you either have/make money and go hosteling, which i see as plausible plan of action only if i busk and play something not necesserally music - i have a special trick - my original number, gotta get the overdrive distorted and some high trying to end this shitinfo. But if it is the last thing you are able to do before going clubbing. Yes, sizes of clubs vary drastically. there are the usual sports fans and rednecks with few dollar baseball bats. The wankers that had the money and are coming to be beaten into morgue or hospital or both, in a particular order. Three way only, next stop funeral, and thats basically the last chance to wake from coma and make funeral guests back up and agree to your prayers. You can pray whenever and wherever you fancy? But if you wake up in coffin (we hope you are reading our full guide+manual before getting lower than ground. Even if you're almost dug in done, there is still a chance somebody might hear you, every funeral differs, there are few schools in the business - well you thought you already stopped this undead menace happening all over and only in america. Might be something to do with education system. There was rich and resourcefull lands decided to outsource the shit and do not give a fuck about fact people around the world are not mentally capable less. To state the obvious it is 2-3 generation time,more than enough to make 3 consecutive non educated idiots and it is over, when idiots teach with about 30-35% literacy, but the fuckers get 16 and start racing, wanting to be some guy from some american movie - there are few things lamer than this, but most of them to my knowledge habitate in californias mega junkie tent cities. before americ it? Well frequencies until i get very loud and distorted mosquito, i even named chord i found to be close as disturbing as brain stroke one of the reasons now is obvious ev Jews did not yet experience the medieval ghetto experience (it was so long ago(they clearly do it for legitimacy, almost every book burning was, because the ruling class either changed, religion changed or ruling class changed religion and then symbolically baptising (more de facto,full de jure anyway) all of his subjects.(subjects/serfs/dzimtcilvēki history narrates to us (i mean europe, the education is way better, but then again, if you/me/she/he (and moon(is american)) for one very old and tricky problem with with american education (even in the case we're in and sport plus leisure time/weekand all in one. Those non-terrestials are having a good laugh putting flouride in their water and mcdonalds in their heart, which in result gets greasy, unhealthy lump of not really that good functioning motor of a heart. (the more the better)(it is known for at least my lifetime (because years passed and now we can test the fucker will kill them or send to china although two of the most empty farmers (they are not real people, not anymore, nowadays a farmer is still a farmer and may still do not give a shit about this new catastrophically bad "red scare") told me: "they were there sitting on opposite side of feared communists, berlin wall, fuck nuclear scare was waaaaay better way to scare people into subordination. fucking in this century sequel to World War II hit series sequel one of us other wanker obesity wellfare jokes of a state. In Africa of their hobby I had one, it sucked ass (another american past time only they know how to perform,but write comedy?for devils sake.when monty python became popular in america it wasn't because they appreciated the ingenious humour and novelty pioneer humor with life of brian, wich was banned in UK and many countries, also pope officially denounced them and in america they even got together and burned the vinils, looks 100% like NSDA burning communist books and modern art, and i really believe the nazis wouldnt burn the monty python records if justice prevailed and germany did not capitulate (which most probably never fully happened, becouse very much of military staff,scientists, uopper echalon nazis, submarines, some of whom surrendered to argentina months after the war. and there was(is?) Neue Schwabenland. Būtu vairāk rakstījis latviski, būtu maza iespēj, ka izlasi tagad. rakstīju non stop no 00.00. pat nepīpēju. man zem joma cīgas nelien iekšā, ja es sāktu uzsēsties vēlreiz uz vitamīna, iespējams atmestu, bet blja nahuj nee. pietiek ar reizi pusgadā zapļotu pamīlēt, klēpī paturēt.) it just takes off where the problem, just marry all the widows, must have official polygamy in the foundation ideas of the church. But being the creator of Latter days Saints Church ( The campaign already Must find the right solution about jewish question as well" bļe man palika pretīgi šito rakstīt puse, varhebūt pat aiz statistikas (kas vienmēr melo) "" PĒRKOŅKRUSTS ir visa visuma uzbūves 99,9% akurāta shēma, ģeo-karte un dzīves rata nepārprotami loģiskā shēma, kas palīdzēs mums saprast visumu sevī un sevi visumā. back to beginning. man mugura krampī no sēdēšanas vienā pozā non stop nakti un bez tā jau. jāiet stundas atstrādāt. bieži esmu domājis, ka turpināšu, vai salabošu un pabeigšu savus neaptēstos tekstus. bet parasti tas nekad nenotiek. es gan cibā tikai gandrīz neko nelieku. šitādi murgi man ir tārpu tējas folderos.