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Aug. 26., 2012 | 04:27 pm
mūzika: radio 101

Look at the chart to measure how far you slant. Slant reveals the degree to which you express your real emotional feelings to others, depending on your mood. (There is no slant-difference between left-handed and right-handed. Slant is slant.)
Slant A — Emotionally ill. Totally emotionally repressed (keeps back) and locked up in his or her own world. Cannot be reached. Leans over backward to avoid emotional situations. Past- and self-oriented. (Among convicted rapists, there is a preponderance of leftward slanters. An inability to properly express real feelings.)
Slant B — Represses (keeps back) real emotional feelings. Appears cold, evasive (avoids answering directly), and self-absorbed. Independent, hard to fathom (understand), and difficult to get along with.
Slant C — Represses real emotional feelings. Cool exterior masks inhibited reactions. Diplomatic, reserved, not straightforward. (This is saying that how you react on the outside isn’t really how you feel on the inside; you put a mask on.)
Slant D — Suppresses (puts an end to) emotional responses. Head over heart. It is very difficult to write this way unless you have complete emotional self-control. Undemonstrative, independent, detached, cautious, diplomatic attitude. (Britains are taught to write this way)
Slant E — Moderate expression of feelings. Healthy emotional responses. (70% of Americans write this way - the Palmer Method)
Slant F — Dominated by emotions. Heart over head. Intensely ardent (enthusiastic/passionate), affectionate, friendly, sensitive, jealous. Emotional brushfire.
Slant G — Carried away by emotionalism. Heart rules the head. Excessively fervent (displaying passionate intensity), ardent, romantic, touchy, oversensitive, nervous, high-strung (highly intense), capable of hysterical outbursts. Difficult to get along with. Volatile (explosive behavior). (After collecting and studying the writing of hundreds of murderers, graphologists have found that most of them have a very far rightward slant. They lack emotional control. We may all have murderous feelings, but we don’t act upon them.)
UNSTABLE: // \\ ||
In all directions (in a short period of time) — Unstable person. Unpredictable, nervous, erratic, undisciplined, excitable, fickle, capricious, lacking in good judgement and common sense. As if you’re pulled in all directions. (These people might have a warm personality at the moment, but will have a cold attitude the next minute)
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es īsti nezinu, pie kura varu sevi pieskaitīt - it kā varētu teikt, ka b, jo tā es rakstu pārsvarā, bet citreiz sanāk rakstīt f virzienā, tā ka laikam mani jāskaita pie unstable? bet atkal ir tā, ka gan b, gan f man ir diezgan stabili, es varu ilgā laika posmā rakstīt vienā no tiem. bet tad atkal citas dienas es rakstu visos iespējamos leņķos, tad man der visi trīs? neko nesaprotu. f man pilnīgi atbilst, no b var izņemt 'independent' (kaut arī ir stipra vēlme tādai būt), bet no unstable - 'undisciplined', 'lacking in common sense' par mani arī nevar teikt.
kas es esmu?
date: Aug. 26., 2012 - 06:55 pm
bet, protams, tādi vispārīgi raksturojumi (vispār par jebkuru tēmu) nekad nav spējuši būt precīzi. tas jau vairāk izklaidei :)