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10:50: es katru rītu gribētu mosties ar to mūziku, kas skanēja bārā Stalkerā
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Date:23. Augusts 2005 - 11:05
Tonīno Guerra intervē Andreju Tarkovski īsi pirms Stalkera pabeigšanas:

T.G.: But will there be a main theme?

A.T.: There will be, and I have the sensation that it must evoke the Far East, that it must be charged with a, so to speak, Zen content, whose principle is concentration and not descriptiveness. The principal musical theme will have to be stripped of emotion, on the one hand, and of thought, on the other, of any programatic design. It will have to independently express its own truth about the surrounding world. It will have to be enclosed in itself.

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Date:23. Augusts 2005 - 12:06


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