
Tuesday Sep. 26th, 2017 | 00:08
from:: tiesibsargs

saki, lohu valdība un izsmiekls?

The government expects the unemployment to drop below 6 per cent next year, although there are big differences between people born in Sweden, and those who ahve come here more recently.

Altogether, the budget includes an extra SEK 43 billion in spending, which several commentators have noted is a much bigger amount than government are normally able to spend.

But Magdalena Andersson stressed this is still a responsible budget, as the government has been good at paying off the public debt, and will continue to do so.

"We have the lowest public debt since 1977. What we have done during this term in office is that we have ensured that we pay off the public debt, so that we can equip ourselves for worse times. During this period, we have lowered the public debt by 10 percentage points," she said.

We have not borrowed one single krona to pay for the refugee crisis. On the contrary, we have been paying off the national debt also during these years,"

Magdalena Andersson, Minister for Finance


es tev, pipsi, ieteiktu pieturēt muti, citādi točna par nomelnošanu atrausies fiziski. filtrē savu bazāru, mudak - vai arī atbildēsi par to. ne jau obligāti no manis. vienkārši ņem vērā, ka humanoīdiem mēdz nepatikt, ka viņu vai viņu draugu un sabiedroto valstij gāž virsū mēslus. īpaši ja to dara tādi impotenti, bet verbāli agresīvi čīkstuļi-pīkstuļi kā tu.

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