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Friday Feb. 27th, 2015 | 19:50

Tikko par to pirmo reizi iegūglēju, un izrādās, ka tā patiešām ir tāds cilvēks, kas ir slavens ar to, ka ir apēdis dažādus neēdamus objektus. Piemēram, šādu lidmašīnu:

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Comments {2}



from: [info]sramgni
date: Friday Feb. 27th, 2015 - 20:54

Lotito's method for eating all of this metal was to break it into small pieces before attempting to eat it. He then drank mineral oil and continued to drink water while swallowing the metal bits. This acted as a lubricant to help the metal slide down his throat. He also had no problem "passing" his unusual diet.

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from: anonymous
date: Saturday Feb. 28th, 2015 - 13:05

hahahahahhaha. interesanti, cik tur kalorijas dienā sanāk un vai šitā var notievēt. varbūt modē nāks Lotito watchers diet.

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