Esmu atpakaļ no atvaļinājuma un nedaudz paspamošu :) Uzgāju jautru parodijrakstu iekš, nolēmu padalīties. Jautri aprakstīts, kādas kļūtu tehnoloģijas, ja inženierzinātnē sāktu dominēt alternatīvie strāvojumi. Man patika citāti: Alec Waterstone is one such self-styled alternative engineer. He has no
degree or formal training in engineering, which, he explains, is an
advantage: "My thinking is not limited by mathematics, logic, or any
stodgy old mechanistic paradigm. I do not have to pay homage to the
likes of Newton or other Western male pedagogues. My complete lack of
training frees me to consider unique and innovative solutions to
engineering problems, unfettered by the annoying constraints of
"reality."[..] Natural Design's newest model sedan, the Millennium 2000, does not
use air bags, or even seatbelts. "Seat belts are dangerous, and air
bags are kid-killers," complains Wily. So he has come up with something
better. The interior of the Millennium 2000 is coated with a patented
psychoactive material, called Natural Safe. "All a driver or passenger
has to do is think safe thoughts, and this miraculous material will do
the rest. In a crash, the material will gently repel any safe thinking
person in the vehicle, leaving them free from injury," Wily asserts.
skeptics point to deaths or disability for Millennium 2000 passengers,
Wily replies that the passengers clearly weren't thinking as "safely"
as they should have been.[..] ( Pilns teksts )
Tags: parodija, pseidozinātne, skepticisms