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lāis [Aug. 28th, 2011|10:33 pm]

'Lying is bad. Or so we are told, constantly from birth—honesty is the best policy, the truth shall set you free, I chopped down the cherry tree, whatever. The fact is, lying is a necessity. We lie to ourselves because the truth, the truth freaking hurts. [...]

No matter how hard we try to ignore or deny it, eventually the lies fall away, whether we like it or not. But here's the truth about the truth: It hurts. So we lie.'


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sīkreti.. [Aug. 25th, 2011|02:16 pm]
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[Current Mood |šurumburum]

'One thing is certain: whatever it is we're trying to hide, we're never ready for that moment when the truth gets naked. That's the problem with secrets – like misery, they love company. They pile up and up until they take over everything; until you don't have room for anything else, until you're so full of secrets you feel like you're going to burst.

The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free. Whether good or bad, at least they're out in the open, like it or not. And once your secrets are out in the open, you don't have to hide behind them anymore. The problem with secrets is even when you think you're in control, you're not.'

/es nemaz neskatos to, ko es atkal skatos../

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aww [Aug. 7th, 2011|02:05 pm]
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harry potter style [Jul. 30th, 2011|07:14 pm]
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[Current Mood |50:50]
[Current Music |my driver's playlist]

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teju vai deminga aplis [Jun. 13th, 2011|03:16 pm]
[Current Mood |so so]
[Current Music |the thirteenth tale [ab]]

At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is having friends.
At age 16 success is having a drivers license.
At age 20 success is having sex.
At age 35 success is having money.
At age 50 success is having money.
At age 60 success is having sex.
At age 70 success is having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is having friends.
At age 80 success is not peeing in your pants.
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vertikālā komunikācija [Jun. 3rd, 2011|12:43 am]
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[Current Mood |slīpī]
[Current Music |-]

there's a man walking the stairs.
one step up, one step down he goes..
but no-one really cares.
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an evening stroll ~ 11 km [May. 31st, 2011|11:18 pm]
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[Current Mood |headache]
[Current Music |none]

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no comment [May. 18th, 2011|10:59 pm]
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visām mājām tik melnas acis [May. 18th, 2011|03:40 am]
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[Current Mood |insomnia]

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die for food [May. 13th, 2011|02:37 pm]
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[Current Mood |sūper]
[Current Music |atlas shrugged [ab]]

omītei pēc operācijas oža is sort of still missing. kamēr viņa virtuvē taisa ēst, tikmēr es savā istabā jūtu gāzi..
ceļos un eju pārbaudīt.
katrs solis tuvāk virtuvei vnk.. pēē.. tāda gāzes terapija.
tagad visi logi vaļā.

*there's no such thing as a temporary suicide..*
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something very clever [May. 13th, 2011|02:05 pm]
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[Current Mood |sūper]
[Current Music |atlas shrugged [ab]]

"We, the men of the mind, are now on strike against you in the name of a single axiom, which is the root of our moral code, just as the root of yours is the wish to escape it: the axiom that existence exists.
Existence exists-and the act of grasping that statement implies two corollary axioms: that something exists which one perceives and that one exists possessing consciousness, consciousness being the faculty of perceiving that which exists. If nothing exists, there can be no consciousness: a consciousness with nothing to be conscious of is a contradiction in terms. A consciousness conscious of nothing but itself is a contradiction in terms: before it could identify itself as consciousness, it had to be conscious of something. If that which you claim to perceive does not exist, what you possess is not consciousness."

/from 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand/

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no mana mīļā buka [May. 12th, 2011|07:15 pm]
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[Current Mood |headache]

'His voice was like a ray of sunlight in a morgue...'

/'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand/

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maziņš prieciņš [May. 11th, 2011|09:45 pm]
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[Current Music |atlas shrugged [ab]]

esmu back
on my a-book track..
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escapism in teesha moore style [May. 8th, 2011|05:07 pm]
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[Current Mood |chaotic]
[Current Music |megamind]

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seriāli mēdz būt jūzful [May. 6th, 2011|04:03 pm]
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[Current Mood |windy wandy]

a perfect solution to all my problems is an anterior cingulotomy, when the neurosurgeon uses a gamma knife to destroy the parts of the brain that cause depression. [and they don't even have to open your skull]
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pic of the day [May. 5th, 2011|07:49 pm]
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[Current Mood |artistic]

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lyrics of the day [Apr. 17th, 2011|10:51 pm]
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[Current Mood |auč]
[Current Music |needtobreathe - more time]

'I need more time
Just a few more months
and we'll be fine..'
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nez kur palika visi mani labie suņa neizlutināšanas nodomi?! [Mar. 31st, 2011|09:05 am]
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[Current Mood |amjūzd]
[Current Music |no music]

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politiskā puse of mine [Mar. 31st, 2011|12:41 am]
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imagine that [Mar. 28th, 2011|03:44 pm]
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[Current Mood |]
[Current Music |the man in the high castle [ab]]

lasu grāmatu par cilvēkiem, kas dzīvo pasaulē, kur Ass uzvarēja II p.k., un lasa grāmatu par pasauli, kurā uzvarēja Sabiedrotie.
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