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auga un manas kavētājsinapses [Jan. 5th, 2013|05:03 pm]
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[Current Mood |lifted]
[Current Music |the angel's game [ab]]

stpc - manai hiacintei ir alerģija uz mani. pa 4 dienām of my absence tā bija izaugusi vairāk nekā pa veselu mēnesi of my presence. besides - pa šīm 3 dienām, kuras esmu te, it has made no visible progress whatsoever.
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resolutions made on a train [Jan. 3rd, 2013|07:59 am]
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[Current Mood |positive thinking]

1# i will try to lead a healthier life, which includes a lot of potential up-grades like thinking about my nutrition, not in way of counting calories, but eating more vegetables and less chocolate.. it also includes being more active, moving a lot.. going to salsa with Ivan from Cuba.. dancing a lot.. this year will be the year of dancing. :) it also includes bringing schedule into my life, in matters of doing my homework on time and getting enough sleep. In a perfect world I would try to get up at 6:30 and to some stretching and go to sleep not later then midnight, which is considered to be normal in most parts of the world. so self discipline is the goal.
2# hopefully that will lead to some weight-loss. 5 kilos till summer would be awesome and 5 afterwards too.. but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
3# hopefully that also will lead to saving some money.
4# i will also be more active socially [could do more at the faculty] and more open minded towards people, especially guys.
5# and the last but not least -> i will spend more time doing creative stuff like drawing or fancywork..

[that's it]
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mūvī-lietas [Jan. 1st, 2013|10:35 pm]
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[Current Mood |sleepy]

ja pirmā gadā redzētā filma kko liecinātu par visu gadu.. tad laikam bija jāskatās kkas močna pozitīvāks.
bet then again - it wouldn't be me.
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past bedtime [Dec. 29th, 2012|01:28 am]
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[Current Mood |pleasant]
[Current Music |mumford and sons - winter winds]

mana sāpjuslepkavu trieciendeva sāk izirt nebūtībā un galva kļūst arvien smagāka un klinšaināka ar asām malām un daudz durstekļiem. laikam jāiet gulēt.

gribēju tikai pateikt, ka šodien es jūs visus mīlu, arī lopārstu nīdēju - zootehniķi ar garām rokām. šodien es visādi uzlaboju savu karmu - izlīdzot daudziem nepazīstamiem cilvēkiem, salasot viņu izripojošos santīmus, pieturot durvis, palīdzot izvilkt ratus no autobusa un atbrīvojos sēdvietas vecāka gājuma cilvēkiem. ir tādas dienas..

vsp jau - es tik reti saku cilvēkiem, ka mīlu viņus. but i do. es mīlu jūs manas dzīves cilvēki.. sagribējās to pateikt, lai jūs zināt.. [in case something happens]
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safe and warm [Dec. 15th, 2012|07:19 pm]
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[Current Mood |lazier than even]
[Current Music |don'r know the name of this song]

there's a magic place always open for you when you need the refuge.
it's called movieland.

[will have to make my winter movie list :)]
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acceptance [Dec. 2nd, 2012|02:23 pm]
[Current Mood |lazy as usual]
[Current Music |dark knight rises [ost]]

Šīs nakts dižākā doma:
I love my parents, they're perfect..
I love my brother, he's awesome and getting more and more awesome everyday..
I love my friends, best friends anyone can dream of..
I love my roommates, can't imagine living with any other people..
I love my studies, they're interesting and captivating and fun and what I want..
I love my dog, he's most loving and caring, and understanding, and crazy, and adorable dog you can have..
I love my life, it's perfect..
The only thing I don't like is myself, but I'm working on it.
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[Nov. 30th, 2012|11:05 am]
[Current Music |need some music]

so what - if the spiritual food comes before the physical?
it's just the way i am.
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šodienas secinājums: [Nov. 10th, 2012|11:43 pm]
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[Current Mood |tired and happy]
[Current Music |queen - you're my best friend]

ja tavi pupi ir lieli un pakaļa arī, tev jābrauc uz Igauniju pirkt drēbes, jo tur tu jutīsies kā normāls cilvēks.
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rīt es ņemu akadēmisko dienu.. [Nov. 9th, 2012|10:18 pm]
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[Current Mood |pointless]
[Current Music |watching arrow]

Can't escape the idea, that we used to be Meredith and Cristina, but we're not anymore. I don't know who we are. I guess we're us. It's like - I have this idea of the world in my head and the real world doesn't fit that idea, and the funny thing is -> I care.
Caring is weird and painful - it's so much easier to be indifferent, bet arī indeferentajam kairinātājam izstrādājas nosacījuma reflekss. Kinda sucks! Life isn't supposed to go the way you expect it, it just goes on like the show.

Quoting John: 'When you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different, someone better. When that person is taken from you, what do you become then?'

Then there's that another thing. I've started to think those people to whom I related in my meanness, whom I looked up to and thought they understood me better than my own mother.. I've started to think them mean, because there must be some kind of line, tolerance and pity. Un the weird thing is - I'm the one, who has pity and is disappointed. I've been disappointed to often lately [caring does that to you], and my buried trust issues start to come up, not sure I trust anyone right now.

Life goes in circles, and I think another one is coming to it's end for me. Or maybe I started to like myself.

p.s. it's all very good and wise to accuse people of not being good enough people, but what have I done to be otherwise myself?!
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one of those days [Oct. 24th, 2012|06:04 pm]
[Current Mood |so so]
[Current Music |kojas]

that weird feeling when you want people to talk to you, but don't want to talk back.
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es dzirdu žurkas zem grīdas. big ones. [Sep. 29th, 2012|10:06 pm]
[Current Mood |puff of smoke]

some people are born to struggle, and if their life turns out to be completely alright - they are lost.

ja vēl pirms pāris dienām es biju baktērijas veģetatīvā forma - mūžīgā ballīte un vairošanās.. tad tagad es sāku pārvērsties par sporu.

varētu sevi salīdzināt ar zirgu, kura brūces virspusē ātri sadzīst un krevele jāplēš nost visu laiku, lai iekšā neveidotos iekaisums. bet ļāvu visam sadzītu un neplēsu neko nost.

es atkal un atkal pārliecinos, ka romantiskās komēdijas man ir aizliegtas.

ir tāda slimība - nespēja nepacelt kastani no zemes. [man tā ir hroniska]

tikko nolēkāju gar sienām žurku biedēšanas deju [not gangnam style]

inside i'm just little mean and angry human being. šodien ienīdu cilvēci tik ļoti, ka didn't pick my dog's poop on purpose.. as a revenge.

and today i feel betrayed to.. or forgotten. or neglected.


Stop wining! I hate people who wine all the time! "Uhh, I'm so sad and hopeless!" If you wanna do something - just get up and do it! Shit hate you! Want to die - die. Want to live - live! You don't have to be a rocket-scientist for that! Gee.. And stop looking for some big drama - your life is completely ordinary! You're ordinary! Enjoy!
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fīlings [Sep. 28th, 2012|12:10 am]
[Current Mood |pissed&tīred]

tired - 100% of the time
sleepy - 100% of the time
lazy - 95% of the time
really pissed - 80% of the time

life sucks. and then it doesn't. and then it sucks again. and then it just sucks.
[the end]
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the ornitologist's wife [Jun. 25th, 2012|03:45 pm]
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[Current Mood |gūd mūd]
[Current Music |the son of ice and fire [a-book]]

today I was struck by a revelation that I'm very feminine at heart.

aizvedu savu velo-zirgu uz darbnīcu 'Vellapēda' which you must admit is one hell of a name.
čalis bija kinda jauns (max 30).. un kauperīgs.. un vsp ļoti patiktu annai un madarai - ne tikai kedu un rudo matu dēļ. [vsp varētu būt arī viens no Vīzlijiem :P] viņš veselas 10 min demonstrēja man savu seksīgo pakaļu, pumpējot kameras un pārbaudot bremzes. visnotaļ velo vnlg bija jāatstāj til tomorrow.

kamēr viņš tur ņēmās, es apskatīju kādus desmitus salauztu un sataisītu velosipēdu, kas bija viss, kas tajā telpā bija, ja neskaita ratiņus ar guļošo bērnu, jo viņam obviously bija 'bring your daughter to work day', kas bija ļoti jauki. un nonācu pie slēdziena, ka es itin neko no velo nesaprotu, tāpat kā no mašīnām, ieročiem, futbola and stuff. es saprotu about - art, literature, cultures, languages, textiles, handcrafts [es adu, tamborēju, izšuju u.tt.], food and cooking.. and that's all really feminine stuff. beigās izdomāju, ka es būtu tīri neko sieva :D

citi labie darbi šodien:
1) beidzot biju ārā, izliju [un joprojām klepoju, naktī bija vnk kkādas stulbas lēkmes]
2) Karlušai atradu partneri, braukšu pakaļ vakarā
3) sarunāju klīniku - yahoooo!!!!!
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morgen pīpli [May. 30th, 2012|04:09 am]
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[Current Mood |õsām]
[Current Music |GA_OST]

rīts kā vienmēr pienāk pārāk ātri.. [un vēl so much to do before it comes]

stpc - sleeping all day, learning all night - is a sensible way of living - paspēj paēst brokastis, iztīrīt zobus, ieiet dušā, izgulies..
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Ja ticēt tētim.. [May. 20th, 2012|12:28 pm]
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[Current Mood |happy]

un pēdējo 22 gadu laikā viņš nav man devis iemeslu viņam neticēt..
tāpēc mans suns iespējams tiešām 3 min pirms es atnācu mājās, pamodās sāka smilkstēt un skraidīt pa istabu.. pamodināja tēti, kurš paskatījās pulkstenī un izdomāja man uzzvanīt, jo sen vairs nebija 1:00 un pat ne 3:00.. un piezvanīja viņš man tieši brīdī, kad es izkāpu no tramvaja.

un mans izvilkums ir tāds -> ak Dievs, ja mans suns jūt manu tuvošanos, tas ir tik f***ing kruti!!!
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being home is hard.. [May. 13th, 2012|10:53 pm]
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nopietni. es jau neesmu ļauna un nervoza.
esmu diezgan mierīga un nolīdzsvarota. [vismaz man patīk tā domāt, mani ir grūti aizskart un man īsti nerūp, ko cilvēki par mani domā]
bet mājās, es visu laiku esmu dusmīga.. un bļauju.. un izsaku sarkastiskus komentus. un suns ir vienīgais, kas dabū no manis dzirdēt kādu labu vārdu.
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novērojumi bez secinājumiem [May. 12th, 2012|08:22 pm]
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braucu tik krutā tramvajā šodien.
pirmkārt kāpjot iekšā, viens [biškucīt iedzēris] rašn õpaps, izstūma no durvju priekšas pieklājīga paskata rašn ķõķu un sāka pirmais kāpt iekšā. šī dusmīga kko viņam aizrādīja, uz ko viņš atbildēja:
- pašla na h**.
- sam pašol. a u tebja on jesķ?!
viņš totāli punched her in the stomach ar kāju uz aizmuguri, viņa iedeva viņam ar somiņu pa galvu.. visnotaļ kautiņs, beigās katrs iekāpa savā vagonā.


pēc tam vagonā brauca viens vīrietis ar ļoti latvisku izrunu [kā dūrītim] un interesējās, ko darīt, ja nav talona. un citi jaukie braucēji viņam stāstīja, ka biļeti var nopirkt pie vadītāja [a mēs bijām otrajā vagonā]. uz ko šis sapņaini atbildēja:
- kā tā rīga mainās!! a ko ta? konduktori vairs vispār nav?


vēl brauca divi vīrieši: viens vecāks, viens jaunāks, kurus pirms tam redzēju vecrīgā staigājam ar karti, runāja viņi klusi, tāpēc nevarēju noklausīties, bet pēc viņu taisnajām, mietu norijušajām mugurām un baltajām zeķēm, biju rīlī sure, ka viņi ir vācieši, bet tad viņi nāca tuvāk un runāja latviski sth like:
- un atceries, sievietei jāceļas ātrāk par vīru un jāsataisa viņam brokastis un jāsagludina drēbes un tikai tad jārūpējas par savu izskatu..

[sīriouslī - wtf?]


bija vēl kkas interesants, bet aimirsu.. vsp klausījos grāmatu :P
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magic in action [May. 12th, 2012|12:03 am]
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tā ir īsta maģija.. pirmā trešdaļa.. krievi zaudē zviedriem 1:3..
edgars zvana no darba: 'babuška, ti čto ņe smotri6?'
omīte ieslēdz tv, sāk skatīties.. rezultātā krievi uzvar 7:3.
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wishes [May. 6th, 2012|06:55 pm]
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ļoti gribas uzgleznot kapsētu pavasara rītā..
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words [May. 6th, 2012|01:04 am]
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i would like to ever love someone as much as i love my dog..
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