Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - moving on [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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moving on [Oct. 5th, 2013|11:55 pm]
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[Current Mood |happy go lucky]
[Current Music |šodien visu dienu skan divstūris]

you get close with people and grow apart.. it's life. it is what happens, eventually you must let go.
and it is so hard to do. at least for me. I keep hanging on to those people, to drag them along. to call them - invite to parties, wish a happy birthday. i keep putting some effort to preserve the illusion of friendship. anyway I'm learning to let go. They obviously are so much better off without me, and to be honest so am I. So just have to do nothing and not feel guilty about that.

and yeah, that other issue, requires some letting practice too.
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