Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - new start [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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new start [Aug. 30th, 2011|11:27 pm]
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some people might not believe in new beginnings, but I do.
new beginning feels good, feels fresh. nothing is screwed up yet, everything is going to be fine.

and though i had a hard day, a long day - i feel very good.

i woke up at 5:30.. i kissed my dog goodbye. i met my co-student on a train. i had two lectures of animal biology and ecology [which in fact is zoology], two lectures of inorganic chemistry [in "the castle" to which we are supposed to get in like 10 minutes when it's a 25 minute walk], one lecture of physics and two lectures of animal anatomy. [with lots of bones lying around] at my faculty..

after that i got my own set of bones. to study from.

and got a pillow and a quilt and bedsheets..

after that i went back to the castle to get a huge pile of books. and then i had a meeting with my german teacher. and then i went to the shop and finally got some food [which was about 6 p.m. - and i had breakfast at 6 a.m.]

then i got back to the dorms and set my bed and talked to my roommates and got another huge piles of tests and lab-works and colloquiums. and now i'm all set.

and then i learned my homework [anatomy a bit], read some chemistry. chatted to my friends on the i-net. played kama-sutra cards with my roommates, discussing bones and professors.. and now i'm in bed ready for tomorrow to begin..

p.s. chemistry wasn't horrifying, because i remembered most of the stuff she told us.. physics was horrible and chaotic, but i hope it'll get better.
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Date:August 31st, 2011 - 09:32 am