Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - superstitions [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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superstitions [Jan. 27th, 2011|01:35 am]
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[Current Mood |medieval]
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God is a child. And we are his toys. As long as we amuse him we are safe, but when he gets bored he plays by his own rules, throws in some action. And if he wants us dead for no reason we die. And as a child he might be pretty unreasonable.

Manas death related domas are back. Not the suicidal ones.. just death related. I recall all the dead people I know. I think about my parents losing their parents. And get that feeling of necessity to hear from closest friends every day. because I get scared if I don't.. I panic and imagine wild and callous scenarios..
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