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Sunday, February 1st, 2009

    Time Event
    es esmu laimīga

    rīts: ierodos - man ir mītiņš
    100 cilvēki sēž rātni, es viņus esmu uzaicinājusi, visu esmu saorganizējus'
    nu burvīga sajūta burvīga, visus mīlu, visi mīl mani

    prikešā jābūt PC, projektoram un tehniķim

    NAV ! nu ko, izceļu no azotes savu mikroskopisko laptopiņu, saķīlēju vadiņus, europas ierēdņu nepajūk nevienā situācijā

    tikai no mazā laptopiņa - arī bilde maziņa un kvadrātveidīga (stap citu, tehniķis ieradās kofībreikā)

    un tad es atveru mapīti a tur iekšā ...........
    buongiorno to permanent project manager of european lakes
    buongiorno to pemanent maanger of my hearth

    šī ir mana pirmā diena kā permanentajam zinātnes oficierim eu
    man patīk vēstules :)
    From: Richard Sent: Wednesday, 31 January, 2007 18:31
    To: Sandra
    Cc: zhulidov
    Subject: RE: legislation for water quality

    Hello Sandra – thank you for your email and the attached article, which I have shared with my colleagues.

    As to your question about legislation in Russia the best person to contact is my colleague, Sasha Zhulidov in Rostov-on-Don. I am sure that he will be able to help you.

    With best regards,


    From: Sandra Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:06 AM
    To: Richard
    Subject: legislation for water quality

    Dear Richard,

    My name is Sandra, I am working at the EU Joint Research Centre as coordinator of the Lake Intercalibration (setting and harmonizing lake quality criteria across the European Union)
    Please find enclosed a recent article on our work.

    I have read your article “Critical analysis o water quality monitoring in the Russian Fedearion and former Soviet Union” and found it very useful and interesting.

    I would like to ask your advice: I am looking for water quality criteria in different countries.
    I did some research on web pages of Russian federation and I found a lot of pieces of legislation, but mostly for chemical pollution of surface waters.
    I also found some more standards of classification as GOST (classification by saprobity)– I am not sure think are this document still in force

    I would be extremely happy if you could give me some hints (or provide with e-mail addresses of Russian experts):
    1) Legislation about water quality – criteria, guidelines, standards in Russia ?
    2) Legislation about lakes ecological state – are there some criteria, guidelines, standards also ?

    Best wishes

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