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Monday, February 13th, 2006

    Time Event
    ah kaa vajadzetu KRII un KUUMINJU uz sito seminaaru:

    Dear all,
    You are kindly invited to attend a meeting on the "hot" issue of:
    "Gender Balance in the IES: Why is it important?"*

    this Thursday 16th February 2006, starting at 10:00.
    The meeting will take place in Building 44, Meeting room Tintoretto at
    the first floor
    plaanaa taadas runas kaa
    3. JRC Action Plan 2006-2008 for Equal Opportunities, J. Masson (tbc)
    4. Gender Balance in the IES, P. Dilara
    5. Recruitment Policy at IES, FP7 and Issues for the future, P. Kennedy, P. Brandt

    bet vispaar sausmiigi patiikami buut minoritatei - sievietei, neegerim un klibam,,, nevar mani atlaist, neviens nevar, visi miil un ciena !!!! Tikai taapeec ka ESMU !!!

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