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Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

    Time Event
    9:20 - konsultaacija ar doktoru, lai sastaadiitu man vakciinu kursu :
    dzeltenais drudzis, hepatiits a, b, Ebola vīrusa hemorāģiskais drudzis, Šigeloze
    klaipeeda, korfu, kenija, balatons !

    par daudz, bet taads liktenis

    vakara randiņs ar peru

    kur es dziivoju ?
    ziniet cik maksaa pacinja MALARONA - 53 euro !
    un taadas vajadziigas 2 gab uz 12 dienaam !

    veel visas injekcijas - tiifs, hepatiiti !

    vienalga, apzinja, ka busu imuuna pret TĪFU un MALĀRIJU, mani priecē !
    Kiswahili (Local Language) Lesson For You

    * Karibu - Welcome
    * Karibu Kenya - welcome to Kenya
    * Jambo? - how are you?
    * Jambo bwana? - how are you sir?
    * Asante - Thank you
    * Asante sana - Thank you very much
    * Kwaheri - Good bye
    * Hakuna matata - No problem / no trouble

    With kind regards and best wishes of the day
    Chris Mbogo
    man te kolēģi ieteica atvērt savu travel agency

    Travel with Snorke !
    the most exciting adventures - TAT TVAM ASI

    Masaju ciemata vizīte un padoms e-mailā:
    However for this service I advice the clients to pay directly to the Masai on arrival at their Village, as the Masai Villagers do not appreciate a middle man.
    Speaking generally, no access road to Masai Mara is in good condition. The range varies from acceptable to abominable. This without adding the rain factor, which during the wet season quagmires the tracks and makes driving even tougher.
    es tūlīt ģībšu no sajūsmas

    This is malarial area
    It covers ?? km2
    There is no night driving
    it belongs to Masai people
    jūtos experts āfrikas jautājumos
    don’t forget your swimming costume for a night swim under the star filled African sky

    multi-drug resistant malaria

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