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Friday, February 4th, 2005

    Time Event
    thrill of challenge
    pirms nedeeljas Jakobs - atziits DR no Daanijas uz jautajumu:
    vai iespeejams,,,, (neizpluudiisu detaljaas) - atbildeeja - NO
    nu taa, sodien 10:00 es pieraadiisu, ka YES
    only you have to:
    to carefully prepare the data
    to understand the nature of the data, methodology, the possible fallbacks
    only you should use your brain

    thrill of challenge, taa shobriid juutos

    vai nu auditorija (kuraa ietilpst arii Jakobs) mani atspaardiis vai nee, interesanti,,,, issteniibaa man vienalga
    kaa juutas cilveks nomediijis mamutu

    da noguris

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