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par skaistumu Mar. 5th, 2010|01:16 pm

it is often said that small is beautiful. now, anything can be beautiful when it is small. the ugliest person you can think of was probably a quite pretty baby. it doesn't take much effort to find a beautiful 16-year-old girl, either. in fact, our modern notions of beauty and elegance are _defined_ in terms of size and maturity, so the chance of anything small and immature being beautiful is vastly higher than anything big or mature. now, despite all the marketing that seems to be aimed at telling me that I should dump a girlfriend when she becomes 25 and get a new 16-year-old (or even younger), I plan to stay with mine partly because of her ability to grow older in a way I like. consequently, I take exceptions to the pedophilic attitudes to beauty and elegance that our societies have adopted over the years. this is why I don't like the "small is beautiful" model of aesthetics. this is why I think that almost anybody could make something small and beautiful, but only a few can create something that grows from small to huge and still remains beautiful.

Ēriks Nagums par Common Lisp vs Scheme.
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