Texas voters went to the polls on Tuesday (November 5th) to decide the fate of 10 constitutional amendments. The one receiving the most publicity was Proposition 4, which would ban the implementation of a statewide income tax. The official text of the proposition is: "THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT PROHIBITING THE IMPOSITION OF AN INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX, INCLUDING A TAX ON AN INDIVIDUALS SHARE OF PARTNERSHIP AND UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATION INCOME." With 89 percent of counties reporting across the state on Tuesday night (9:49 p.m.), 77.22 percent of Texas voters, voted for Prop. 4. https://kfyo.com/texas-voters-approve-constitutional-amendment-banning-state-income-tax/?trackback=twitter_mobileVispār Teksas Konstitūcija ir kas pilnīgi atšķirīgs no līdz šim redzētā (bet šī piebilde varētu arī attiekties uz #uzzinu_pēdējais): - visnotaļ gara, jo kopumā ir ierobežojoša un nosaka ļoti specifiskas lietas, atstājot iespējami mazāk telpas valdības (ar to saprotot visus trīs valdības zarus) interpretācijām - tā ir salīdzinoši viegli maināma, bet izmaiņas jāapstiprina referendumā.