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And now for something completely different - [Jan. 23rd, 2007|07:48 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2007 - 11:23 pm
oh dued have you heard nickleback? if you haven't, then you haven't listned to music!


Puddle of Mudd (seriously they could be the next Nirvana, maybe even the next Bush!)

gggrrrghghrghgr ;E
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2007 - 09:03 am
nu tur bija kāds vareni piedūries:
"Songs like how you remind me of me and superrockstar are so tight and musically they're head and shoulders at the top of the rock game. They're so good they blend together and sound almost exactly the same cause they're all so good." ;)))

Kā arī, protams:
"Distrubed (his vocals are like the growls of a lion possesssed by the DEVIL HIMSELF!!!)"

Man jau nav nekas pret Disturbed, samērā pasmags jau ir, bet tas kex laikam klausās kaut ko patiešām hardcore :D