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Dec. 25th, 2005


05:00 pm - bitch of the year

Nelson Mandela has a few ideas on what might help the people of Africa . He says, "our peoples dream of an African Renaissance, as a consequence of which we will overcome a devastating past and ensure that ours also becomes a continent of democracy and peace, respect for human rights, development, prosperity and the restoration of the dignity of all Africans."

Apparently someone named Bono, who spends most of his time riding around in giant rubber duckies with someone named The Edge, wearing $1,800 sunglasses everywhere he goes, thinks the solution to African poverty is music. And not just any music, but his own brand of hypocritical and insipid pop music. Together with contemporary, Bob Geldof (who, on a daily basis, snorts up enough money to feed the entire Sudan), two incredibly rich assholes organized a group of white rock bands to play a series of massively expensive concerts in London to raise "awareness" of the problems in Africa. If that isn't bad enough, it seems to have worked: what does it say about our world when someone with only one name addresses the UN, is named one of Time Magazine's Men of the Year, is given awards by Portugal, and has the ear of the Pope? Actually, that makes more sense now that I think about it. Still, what does it take to make them realize that this choad is doing nothing but capitalizing on the plight of real people in order to sell records?

Maybe extremely wealthy rock stars have a place giving joint speeches with George W. Bush, and maybe Africa can be helped by patronizing white people, but let those people at least have a first and last name.

and let me not get started upon subject of Frank Zappa or Bob Marley. (omg grammar excapes me)

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