Why this over–eagerness to claim the support of science? There is a modernising impulse in all religions to make the supposedly timeless truths of theology acceptable to the modern minds raised on a scientific sensibility. ‘Scientific creationism’ among Christian and Islamic fundamentalists is an example of this impulse. But while Christian fundamentalists in America indulge in creationism primarily to get past the constitutional requirement for a separation of church and state, in India it is motivated by ultra–nationalism, Hindu chauvinism and the nationalist urge to declare Hinduism’s superiority as the religion of reason and natural law over Christianity and Islam, which are declared to be irrational and faith–based creeds. Contemporary Hindu nationalists are carrying on with the neo–Hindu tradition of proclaiming Hinduism as the universal religion of the future because of its superior ‘holistic science’ (as compared to the ‘reductionist science’ of the West.) Besides, it is easier to sell traditions and rituals, especially to urban, upwardly mobile men, if they have the blessings of English–speaking ‘scientific’ gurus.
ja pieņem, ka var būt arī zināšanas, kas nebalstās uz faktiem, par zinātni paliek kaut vai atklāsmes par neredzamiem, visumu mikromenedžējošiem rūķīšiem. |