slikts sapnis - October 1st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 1st, 2007

[Oct. 1st, 2007|10:30 pm]

šodien nejauši iedomājos par ģenētiskajiem algoritmiem un simulācijām kā Avida, un man ienāca prātā, ka interesanti būtu uztaisīt tādu tīmekļa eksperimentu, kur krāsu matricas selekcionē lietotāji pēc savas gaumes. tad es izlasīju, ka šodien ir atvēries tāds, kur ir līdzīga doma. visinteresantākā bija progresa lapa, bet tā šobrīd ir atslēgta. attēlā ir viena no sejiņām, kas tur bija pirms pāris stundām.
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bailīgi [Oct. 1st, 2007|11:07 pm]

A flesh-eating bacterium that normally makes its home in the warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico is now headed into the cooler Northern areas of the world. According to MSNBC, recent tests in Germany showed that Vibrio vulnificus was present in more than nine out of 10 samples of Baltic Sea water. The microscopic marine bug enters the human system through a cut or scrape (and even through ingestion) and devours flesh along the way. About 50% of cases are fatal; with patients dying within the first 48 hours of infection.

interesanti, vai tas attiecas arī uz Latviju.

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[Oct. 1st, 2007|11:09 pm]
1 1 was a race horse,
2 2 was 1 2,
1 1 1 1 race,
2 2 1 1 2.

Wanwan was a race horse,
Tutu was one, too,
Wanwan won one race,
Tutu won one, too.
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