Sexy mood music ir šīs dienas atklājums.
Tā ir komūna,kur ir monthly music-sharing posti.
Katru mēnesi tiek dota kāda konkrēta tēma,kādai jābūt mūzikai,ar ko jūs dalaties.
Piemēram,aprīļa tēma ir,lūk,šāda:
"Theme: Gotta get wet.
Since April brings spring rainshowers, this month's theme is "Gotta Get Wet," and we're looking for songs that allude to water! We don't care if it's about water as small as a teardrop or as vast as an ocean, and if water's not mentioned the title, that's totally okay, too! If you any anecdotes or explanations for your selections, feel free to mention them! As always, all genres are welcome, and we encourage you to share as many songs as you want!"
Un pats labākais ir tas,ka komentāru ar piedāvāto mūziku ir tik daudz,lai par katru tēmu būtu iespējams savākt pat līdz 500 dziesmu lielai izlasei!
Ja nu kādam arī ir profils,tad es noteikti ieteiktu pievienoties šai komūnai.
ridiculous daydreamer... - Komentāri
We shall have a magnificent garden party, and you're not invited.