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Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

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    lool jums arī nav tā, ka pie neatbildēšanas uz e-pastiem utt. vainojams ne tikai nogurums, nomāktība utt., bet arī vēlme ilgāk paturēt kontroli? nu, jo savas atbildes saturu un sūtīšanas laiku tomēr var noteikt pats.
    Vistans Hjū Odens par Gredzenu pavēlnieku

    Lastly, if one is to take a tale of this kind seriously, one must feel that, however superficially unlike the world we live in its characters and events may be, it nevertheless holds up the mirror to the only nature we know, our own; in this, too, Mr. Tolkien has succeeded superbly, and what happened in the year of the Shire 1418 in the Third Age of Middle Earth is not only fascinating in A. D. 1954 but also a warning and an inspiration. No fiction I have read in the last five years has given me more joy than "The Fellowship of the Ring."

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