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Saturday, March 12th, 2016

    Time Event
    patiesais jeb patiesākais es pastāv. es to izlasīju grāmatā

    vēl es gribētu apēst zupu ar džoisas viljamsas prātu:

    "There’s a story about Jung. He had a dream that puzzled him, but when he tried to go back to sleep a voice said, “You must understand the dream, and must do so at once!” When he still couldn’t comprehend its meaning, the same voice said, “If you do not understand the dream, you must shoot your- self!” Rather violently stated, certainly, but this is how Jung recollected it. He did not resort to the loaded handgun he kept in a drawer of his bedside table—and it is somewhat of a shock to think of Jung armed—but he deciphered the dream to the voice within’s satisfaction, discovering the divine irrationality of the unconscious and his life’s work in the process. The message is work, seek, understand, or you will immolate the true self. The false self doesn’t care. It feels it works quite hard enough just getting us through the day."
    sāku nogurt no cibas. pēc ilgākas apskates dažas lietas te sāk šķist viltus (galvenokārt skatos uz savu jz). vai jums arī kādā brīdī uzbrucis cibas nihilisms?

    vēl pēc jūzera zirka ieiešanas Nangijīlā sāku domāt, vajag ātrāk sākt risināt savas problēmas, savādāk palikšu te viens pats
    Sēžu hesītī, domāju par valstīm, uz kurām pārcelties, kur vienam sēdēt ēstuvēs, šodien atklāju, ka tirkīza un aizkrīt ir anagrammas

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