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Thursday, January 7th, 2016

    Time Event
    D. Barthelme - Robert Kennedy Saved From Drowning

    K on His Own Role

    "Sometimes it seems to me that it doesn't matter what I do, that it is enough to exist, to sit somewhere, in a garden for example, watching whatever is to be seen there, the small events. At other times, I'm aware that other people, possibly a great number of other people, could be affected by what I do or fail to do, that I have a responsibility, as we all have, to make the best possible use of whatever talents I've been given, for the common good. It is not enough to sit in that garden, however restful or pleasurable it might be. The world is full of unsolved problems, situations that demand careful, reasoned and intelligent action. In Latin America, for example."

    dīvaini, ne? arī politiķi ir cilvēki, un noteikti, ka šajā savažotajā portretā bija daudz patiesības.

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