Fri, Apr. 25th, 2014, 11:04 am

Britu zinātnieki piegādā.

Sorry, science says once you get fat, you will always stay fat

Investigation concludes that your body will attempt to return to its original size no matter how hard you try to keep the weight off

Frustrated dieters have long suspected it and now science has confirmed it: almost nobody who cuts down their calories can keep the weight off for long.

Scientists have found that once people gain weight their body will almost inevitably return to its former size — no matter how much they try to exercise or diet.

Their research showed that, even though more than 12m Britons go on a diet each year, fewer than 10% succeed in losing significant amounts of weight. Most of those who do succeed put the weight back on within a year.

The finding does not mean dieting is pointless. People trying to lose weight tend to eat better and exercise more, which can increase fitness and lower blood pressure.

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