Fri, Dec. 6th, 2013, 03:14 pm

'A "ring game" is a game that is played by children who form a circle (the "ring"). The old time definition of "ring" is still used in the terms "boxing ring" and "wrestling ring". In the sports of boxing and wrestling, the focus of the action is in the center of the roped off area. In the same way, the focus of the action in ring games is in the center of the ring. Most traditional ring games (circle games) start with one player standing inside the center of the circle. The other children forming the ring are expected to sing and clap their hands at the same time, but the center player is not expected to sing. However, at a certain point in the song, the center person is called upon to perform a dance step or some other "motion". In traditional versions of ring games, after performing a "motion", the center player selects a partner and dances in the center of the ring with him or her. If a girl is the center player, she is expected to select a boy as her partner, and vice versa. The player who was selected then becomes the new center player and the former center player rejoins the children forming the ring.'

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