February 9th, 2009

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08:02 pm
How people change and fade, any relations between us and them dissolve like there has always been just nothing. Yes, things change, but I'm scared of the speed. People I was geting used to, people that had become a part of my everyday life - I don't even know where they are now and whether they're dead or alive. I never get to see them, they are lost to me and I am lost to them. I don't know the world anymore. Too many have abandoned me.

I also keep seeing the intolerable dreams. They make me feel weird, like I'm lately failing to be the person I've chosen to be for now. The perfect actress, hah. See, now not only the people I see, but also the places are ridiculously strange. Like some long-lost childhood memories I might have also only dreamt about, too. This is worse than Theory of Knowledge, really. I can't tell what's real, what's just a dream and where is the freaking difference. Hello. I'm still rather euphoric about the lastest ones I've seen, although I know it's definitely wrong.


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