January 31st, 2009

[info]simri12:14 am - 3
Alice in Wonderland. Chapter 3.

Through the highway we were walking and not a single car touched us. I felt almost like walking there completely alone like in my dreams when I still had them. Nothing is ever certain. She was floating right beside me silent like a floating grave. Steps so light they can't be heard. Heart so silent...My thoughts were running faster, my breath was impossibly frequent. I would have gotten 20 years older in a moment if all of that was true. There was not a single thing I would miss from my previous life. I was ready to give away the nothing I had to make it all different. Alice was singing an ancient balade. I was continuously tuning it out. I needed more space for my speed-racing thoughts.

Cars were whooing by with incredible speed that almost caused motion sickness. My bleeding feet left a long trail behind us. There was a joke about the two kids in the forest. My blood was like the seeds. Just filled with glass.

"There must be a better place", I finally said, "and you're taking me there. I'll give you everything."
"'Tis funny how she shalt give me everything while having nothing," said Alice and fell into her own special kind of silence again. Yeah, with her...everything was different already. And still I somehow knew she was then creating a new world for me.
"I love you," I told her completely content by myself now and closed my eyes feeling a slight breeze on my skin. A nice change in such a hellish weather. Alice never answered this one, but by the way her silence changed, I could tell she knew. Right after then walking became a very painful action indeed. I stopped a car.

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