January 17th, 2009

[info]simri07:14 pm
He roared and knocked her to the ground.
-If my eyes could kill, you'd be six feet under right now, - she said glaring at him with strongest despise available, perfectly knowing how close 'she' was. His growling laugh shook the ground and she instinctively jumped up from the ground and moved closer to the door in this moment of distraction. He was in her way in less than a second.
-You never had a chance, you know, - he was suddenly serious about it. He was longing for the moment when he could feel her fear, but this moment never came. She seemed to be either crazy or extremely suicidal.
-Look at these hands, - he whispered rising his paws, - the instrument of death, that's what it is. I can tear you apart in a moment, just with these. I can do it slowly, if you wish.
His voice turned into a low growl again as he spoke. Reikka stood perfectly still not being frightened for a single moment. Although she knew she 'had' to be, she was avoiding it, letting only rage fill her mind. She hated him, as much as it was possible. There was also pitty and she was content by the fact he could feel what she felt at the moment. And again, she opened her waterblue eyes and stared fearlessly back at him as if she could attack him as viciously as he.
-So close to death and still so naive, - he concluded, - do you still have a hope, little Reikka?
-No, I'm actually winning time here, - she grinned at him, - if you look outside, my dearest friend, you'll see a huge helicopter flying this way.
And she was definitely right. His eyes opened in surprise made her feel better instantly.
-I...I didn't know you could do that...not that far...,-he was allmost talking to himself, mumbling the words weakly. Astonishment never failed until his body was shattered by thousands of huge bullets. Reikka was leaning close to the wall to be out of the way. Her control over the vehicle wasn't 'that' good, she could still hurt herself. In a coupled of moments it was over. The hall was filled with shattered glass and remains of Wolter's torn apart body. Slowly, she stood up and looked around. The fear came and the tears. She gathered all that was left of him and burned the peaces on a metal table, giving his soul a chance to join the spirit world. Even the table had some holes in it.
She will need a new home, most definitely.

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