June 24th, 2008

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12:11 am - Quotes
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<pizza|:>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<Pob> GUYS, EVERYWHERE! I just discovered the best chat up line EVER!:
"Does this smell like chloroform to you?"

<Crispy> I used to have black friends, but my dad sold them all.

<Pizza|: anyone know of some good mp rpgs
<kessel: RL is good
<Pizza|: whats rl ?
<kessel: Real Life
<Pizza|: link ?

<veryinky> Personally I'd rather be adopted. Since it would mean that I was picked instead of randomly produced.

*** Now talking in #math
<Jahidi> One time nnitro sent me a picture of himself wearing nothing but a calculator.

TANK Ex Mortis: I HATE WINDOWS!!!11one
AkiraBlast45387: ha
AkiraBlast45387: y?
TANK Ex Mortis: "Cannot delete file: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again."
TANK Ex Mortis: If I was on Linux, it'd be like "There was an error, program X doesn't want you to delete that file. Here's a helpful link to teach you how to get around that. Would you like some tea?"
TANK Ex Mortis: Of course, when I want to install something on Linux, it says "You can't install that until you install these 50 libraries, update these 3 drives, downgrade this 1 driver, and pick my mom up from the airport."
TANK Ex Mortis: Whereas with Windows, it says "Click the next button over and over again until the program is installed. It will then work perfectly unless it doesn't."
TANK Ex Mortis: Unless it's made by Valve, in which case it says "DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE" and blows up your computer. ;_;

<Maxim-> these fortune cookies are lame
<Maxim-> mine says "You are going to have some new clothes."

<Clitlover> I am not into that.
<Clitlover> How about roleplay?
<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> ok
<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> i'll be the dungeon master

<azrael69> <----retarded
<madman`> true---^
<FlipMo> azrael69: pics plz

Madman: У нас в универе есть нефтехимический факультет. А во дворе написана надпись: "Скоро кончиться нефть, вы всё ещё хотите здесь учиться?"

Читал инструкцию по установке дров на видюху для ХР и Висты - у Висты на один пункт больше. П.4. Установка драйвера трудоемкий процесс и занимает определенное время, пожалуйста подождите. У ХР такого пункта нет.


Mental Asphyxia - Quotes

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