April 24th, 2008

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09:30 pm - ***
I was once the warrior of the people who were too open-minded, too free and full of knowledge to be left alive, of those people who were hunted down and killed like helpless animals only because they were...better than others. They could not stand up for themselves because they loathed violence and murder of any kind. At the beginning I was one of them. But when the Monsters came to take away my family that had done no evil to any of them or anyone else - I didn't obey the rules of the society, I turned their monstrous weapons against them and killed them all, one by one. Blood covered my body and my mind abounded with their screams for many more nights. And still, my destiny was deceided. The people of the woods, as Monsters called us, were looking upon me as their savious but not as one of them anymore as I had taken lives. I was their warrior, one among many, as I had gathered forces to protect my people. We were feared by the Monsters more than anything. We brought death and havoc to those who came to ruin our homes and kill our families. Still, none of the warriors really belongs to the people of the woods anymore. We sacrificed everything we had to protect those worthy of living more than any else.

I was once the warriror of the people...right until I started to foresee more than every next move of my opponent, right until fire became my weapon instead of a sword. I could see the nearest future, always. But it was too much when I got able to see further...as far as I would wish. And there were visions that came over me against my will. Those were visions of pain, blood, tears and suffering, those were visions of the dark ages. It started to overcome me during the battles. I was in such pain I could not continue fighting anymore, not even for the freedom of my own. I spent the next years locked in a dark room, going crazy from the things I saw. Many times the people of the woods came to put out the fires I caused that time. They were trying to help me get rid of the visions and then to accept them as a part of my nature, because they finally admitted they see no way to "cure" me. I was considered mentally ill because I could not put up with the things I saw and very often could not even understand. That is how I was forgotten by everyone and everything I knew. The fires stopped because there was not much left of my sanity to react on the things that continued coming to me as visions. Therefore there was no need to come and see me. There wasn't much trouble left of that I caused before the years had gone. Noone even noticed as I regained sanity and control over my power, because there was noone left arround eccept an old woman that used to leave me some food. I left the village and moved to the nearest town. Today it's called Thoran, back then Thunder was it's name.


Mental Asphyxia - ***

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