November 7th, 2007

[info]simri06:26 pm - Early december.
You went over that river today. You went over the winter.
They told you you shouldn't go, but you never listen.
You glanced at the edge one last time and went over.
You went over yourself, you challenged your angels.
They believed you would die, but you still never answered.
Never told them the truth that you were only immortal.
The snow fell and they said it was the rain; and then silence.
You gave them a smile over your sadness - it is the snow that veils over existance. Today.
The day that you went across everything and over own dreams.
They haunt you no more, they will never find you - and now you are free.
It is not the death that made you float further - as much as the snow was never the rain.
What was it? Is it worth to remember? They'll say you just disappeared.
That was some kind of a feeling inside of you - it made you finally run.
And you escaped the prisons of mind. Today. Because you went over. The life.

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