June 9th, 2014

12:01 am - Prayer into nothingness
I want to dance again, this time with more fire. I want to write terrible stories, this time with more depth. I want to sing in a church again, with true faith, this time. I will walk the nightime city again, but now content with myself, with more appreciation for every fading light.

There is so much of my life, that I did not even know I had, that I want to reclaim, because now I know better. Emotions, self-discarding wickedness, impulsive actions and thoughtless behaviour have robbed me of so much more that I could have had. There is a universe of experiences, an infinity of knowledge, all mine, to walk towards on my own.

When you're an addict of some sort, they tell you that you are the best you that you can be, when you're sobre. I, too, need to become the best me I can be.
Current Music: Anathema

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Mental Asphyxia - June 9th, 2014

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