May 16th, 2013

10:12 pm - Creativity Block
They are trying to numb us down and form us into what they want. By offering the easy way out, by offering stable well-paid jobs right at the exit of our universities. They know our mind hasn't settled. Nor do we know what we want yet. But we will never figure it out, because we will be guided through life by attractive easy choices. They might not be easy in the standard sense. You have to work hard to achieve goals you never set for yourself. However, they are convenient goals that distract you from figuring out your life.

Don't give up, don't take the easy way out. Fight for the freedom of your mind, for making your own choices and bearing the responsibility. That is the only way you will ever learn to live with yourself - in knowing what you really want. Once you do, there is no one to stop you. Do not let the numerous corporations, organisations, institutions and other industrial giants to take away the dreams you don't yet know you have, don't let them own your life and make you into what they need you to be. Don't let them kill your creative mind.


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Mental Asphyxia - May 16th, 2013

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