May 6th, 2009

10:18 pm - Stagnation, phase 2
Pieces of everything, like shattered glass. I feel the loss again, I feel my sense of reality magically vanishing into some other person, any other person. There is this feeling of...disappointment, I guess. I had everything I wanted and now I don't feel like it's mine anymore, I don't feel any kind of ground under my feet. Not a thing. There must be something we could do about this. There must be something wrong with us. Where is all the excitement hiding? That special feeling decided to go on a vacation. I just so hope it's coming back.
I'd feel more confident, if I were beautiful.

Ak Dievs, es esmu tik tukša! Un citādāka - nekad neesmu bijusi.
Izliekusies, ha.
Current Music: Opeth - Hex Omega


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Mental Asphyxia - May 6th, 2009

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