October 4th, 2007

08:57 pm - In the farest North of the World...
Only the mirrors are cold enough to stand her gaze, to feel her light breath and to hear her voice. Only the mirrors are able to see. ANd only they can show her what is real and what is to be forgotten. The world.

She floats upon the breeze towards her mirrors - the coldest ones. Her heart is still as frozen still as nothing could be on this earth. She was called the spirit of the Snow, she, who was feared ages ago, was now nearly forgotten. Because any thing she touched was to die. Only the mirrors were cold enough...


Children's voices filled the streets of the village. They showed all the happiness the world could have. Nothing could make this world sad.
The girl was holding his hand in hers - it was deep winter and his touch warmed her up like nothing else. She enjoyed feeling his breath on her gentle, still childish in a way, skin. He also had the will to prtect this girl from whatever comes - he cared, oh he did. They were tired of laughing and hanging out with other kids so they just enjoyed each other in a silent conversation of their young souls - word would only spoil the moment. Afterwards he'd take her home and invite for a cup of tee. And she would say she had to wake up early for work the next day - and they would spend the rest of the evening watching each other through their opposite located windows.


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Mental Asphyxia - October 4th, 2007

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