September 4th, 2007

12:06 am
Name, she had forgoten her name. She seemed to have lost it somewhere. The fear was slowly vanishing from her heart. But she still couldn't remember. She walked slowly to the bedroom that was still covered in dark red blood. The phone rang - it sounded like a scream to her, a scream of horror and pain that echoed through the rooms. She hesitated but still answered the phone slowly rising it to the level of her ear. What she heard wasn't a voice of a human. It sounded like coming from another reality that she had never known...or maybe lost? The voice screamed "get out" and wasn't to be heard anymore.


10:52 pm
-You know she's dead because you can't feel her breath anymore. Do you? - SHe heard this voice right behind her but felt noone being there. She prayed for this nightmare to end. Suddenly she ran towards the front door as running for her life - and she surely felt that being true. The door slamed close as soon as she was outside.
It was so cold again. The sky was full of dark clouds as if it was just going to cry. She felt quite like that either. But she never stopped running. Over and over again, farther and farther away from the place she had called her home. Now it reminded only of a bloodbath she'd never seen. Whose blood was that?
No, that wasn't the only question, but she couldn't think right now. She had to keep running, until she would finaly feel safe.
Raindrops over her tender skin, in her black satin hair, falling over her eyes - still fear in them. In a middle of the forest she stopped as suddenly as she started running. She felt there would be no use to run anymore. She was hunted by something that had found her now. Tears mixed up with the rain, a useless cry for help, a blaze of insanity. She fell down on her knees begging for mercy. She felt it coming, she wasn't even scared anymore. What is that hurts so much?


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Mental Asphyxia - September 4th, 2007

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