May 7th, 2016
remedia | 06:49 pm a) I think diets and all that stuff has been a thing here for as long as i exist, it's just that way back it was mostly people older than us and not our peers discussing it. Most kids have different kinds of stupid stuff to worry about.
b)I'd kind of disagree about healthy lifestyle - it is in itself a very good thing to promote. It's just that the great majority of people have NO idea what that actually means, and you must know that almost everyone always finds "the magical method", "this ancient Chinese secret", "unbelievable discovery" and so on a more appealing thing to believe in than admitting they should just do regular boring and possibly unpleasant things every day for the rest of forever to be healthy. Even people that should absolutely know better fall for it because they really really want it to be so easy. And on the other side there someone earns money for writing nonsense books/leading lectures/selling 'magical' solutions.
c) I did not know you were back in LV; are you staying? Do you have free time sometimes?
(edited to make it less a wall of text)
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