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Okt. 22., 2010 | 11:06 pm


I think Im gonna be sick

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Comments {9}


Re: the way I see it.

from: [info]silvija
date: Okt. 23., 2010 - 02:16 pm

I think even taking the old auntie seriously is too much.
But people in Gulbene she tries to be the Dad of
probably are very lonely.

let me just return randomly
to single most horrible impression
I've had of this self-imposed "moral authority": her speech in Unity founding congress was
horrifying unintended stand up comedy :)
she discredits my gender, is all Im saying.
we women are nicer than that. and actually not so greedy.
she gives us a bad name.
the power of beautiful femmina I somehow understand,
but this Lady Helmet Hair
totally puzzles me.

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