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Feb. 17., 2010 | 08:46 am

but nevertheless, take in the sequence

with all its mentions of Latvia and Piebalgses on the Bilderberg meeting attenders list [36:07] and get the

freaking implications.

Are we to build economic trenches? Or just die without a stir?

Or maybe at last get aware and do something organized.

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Comments {2}



from: [info]brookings
date: Feb. 18., 2010 - 10:50 am

Although it's clear those documentaries were geared for a particular audience (and he could do with including some counter arguments), they did manage to depress me.

Being in debt to these organisations (at favourable rates of interest!), namely the EC and the IMF seems to have come with the requisite surrender of self determination. Would be worth asking Mr Piebalga about his affiliations, as well as, presumably Repše et al.

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from: [info]silvija
date: Feb. 18., 2010 - 11:00 pm

Yes, depressingly convincing.

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