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Dec. 17., 2008 | 11:43 am

agri 8.30 tāda sīka inteliģences revoLūcija pie Saeimas - Lūcija: jo arī histēriskais uguns un dedzināšanas motīvs figurēs, bet es vienalga iešu - citējot Cedriņu

the massive VAT increase on books means quite literally taking an axe to the Latvian language. The realities of publishing in Latvia are simple. Maybe a million and a half potential readers (the rest of the Latvian population doesn't read in Latvian). An average printing of only 1200. I could add a lot of detail to this, for instance on how readership shrank because the people who read books were pauperized -- but the point is that the margins in the book biz are tiny and few are in it for the money.

The VAT increase, from 5% to 21%, would bring in maybe half a million lats. Only maybe -- because some publishers are certain to go under and book sales are certain to drop. Is it worth snuffing Latvian for half a million? You couldn't tax Maseratis and Hummers instead? (No, but we are doubling the tax on public transportation...)

un tas IR revolūcijas sākums, to vienmēr ir sākuši vai nu zemnieki - kuri mums vēl ir, bet ir pazemoti - vai strādnieki, kuru vairs nav, jo te nekas netiek ražots, vai Jaunā strāva, lūk, tad šis ir stihiskais pirms-jaunās Jaunstrāvas izvirdums, ļoti labi. Laiks sākt!

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from: [info]melora
date: Dec. 17., 2008 - 06:10 pm

Jā, kaut kā neveiksmīgi tas tiek pasniegts.

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