[Oct. 13th, 2019|10:56 pm] |
The card at the top left represents
how you see yourself. Six of Swords
(Science), when reversed: Conceit
and intellectual pride. Being stuck in
a problem which has no apparent
solution. Frustration and anxiety
that are left unsettled. Travel and
exploration are delayed.
The card at the top right represents
how you see your partner. Six of
Cups (Pleasure): Opening your
heart to the simple pleasures of
life. Fond memories fuel the playful
embrace of love and life.
Experiencing the joy of youth and
sexual innocence. Engaging in acts
of gentle kindness. Harmony of
natural forces without effort or
strain. Meeting an old friend.
The card in the center left
represents how you feel about your
partner. Knight of Cups: The
essence of water behaving as fire,
such as a rushing river: A
passionate romantic, full of charm
and beauty, but prone to extremes.
Forceful idealism blended with
gentle kindness. An eager and
intense person, forward with their
emotions and tender in their
support of others.
The card in the center right
represents what stands between
you and your partner. Three of
Cups (Abundance): A time of
merriment and reflection spent in
the company of friends and loved
ones. The conclusion of a matter in
plenty and perfection. The strength
of a diverse community being
brought together. May suggest a
celebration, festival, anniversary,
wedding, baby shower, or other
joyous gathering.
The card in the lower left
represents how your partner sees
you. Queen of Wands, when
reversed: The dark essence of fire
behaving as water, such as steam:
The natural embodiment of passion
and sensuality, who will do anything
to the be the center of attention. A
seducer who calculatingly dons the
guise of what others desire. A
cocky and domineering person,
who pushes anyone or anything
aside to get what she wants. One
who is vengeful and quick to take
offense without good cause. May
indicate infidelity and contempt for
a relationship.
The card in the lower right
represents what your partner feels
about you. Seven of Pentacles
(Assessment): A pause to check on
the progress of your labors. Making
difficult financial decisions.
Exercising patience and
perseverance. Evaluating the status
of your work and your options for
the future.
The card in the center represents
the present status or challenge of
the relationship. The Hierophant:
Faith in tradition and the old school.
A justified and ancient source of
power. Being supportive,
sympathetic and loyal. Receiving
instructions, learning, guidance or
inspiration. The ability to hear a
higher or inner voice. May also
indicate a religious ritual, such as a
marriage or an initiation. |