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[Dec. 22nd, 2017|07:45 pm]
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Druidry largely revolves around the veneration of nature. Phil Ryder stated that "within Druidry, Nature is considered to be unconditionally sacred and an expression or manifestation of deity and divinity". Many Druids are animists. Most Druids see the aspects of nature as imbued with spirit or soul, whether literally or metaphorically. Some Druids consider animals and plants to be members, like the deities of the Celts, of a tĂșath, or tribe and therefore honored. Celtic author J. A. MacCulloch wrote of this in depth in a book published in 1911 entitled Religion of the Ancient Celts.
Because they view the natural world as sacred, many Druids are involved in environmentalism, thereby acting to protect areas of the natural landscape that are under threat from development or pollution.
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