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[May. 10th, 2015|07:41 am]
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Mēļo, ka miegā vairāk darbojas labā smadzeņu puslode, nomodā kreisā. Es gribētu paņemt nedēļu off this planet un klausīties Velvet Acid Christ, es dievinu šo mūziku un šīs lirikas.

belive in nothing
no one no where
forgotten regret
heartless broken
nothing to no where
no one to nothing
the love now regretted
so lifeless suspended
the beauty in sadness
the horror in madness
the horror in madness
the beauty in sadness
I long to say
fall as you fade
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Date:May 10th, 2012 - 03:25 pm
tad taapeec man iedvesma naak tad, kad pieceljos neguleejusi