sickboy - May 9th, 2034 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 9th, 2034

[May. 9th, 2034|03:50 pm]
Manai dvīņu liesmai ir kaut kas kopīgs ar Khosmos - viņām abām ir Mēness skorpionā.
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[May. 9th, 2034|04:58 pm]
"Many exercises were same as regular biodanza but my way of presenting them was a bit more intense. I generally asked people in the group to really deeply feel everything they did and continuously “demanded” more reality from them with my energy my way of being and my presentation of the work. Maximum authenticity was name of the game. Often if i saw that the group didnt really follow what i said and demonstrated i would ask them to repeat same exercise but this time really go into energy presented." (D.M.)
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