sickboy - October 14th, 2024 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 14th, 2024

[Oct. 14th, 2024|10:31 am]
Vakardienas mantra jam mani aizveda sapņaini meditatīvi eiforiskā realitātē. Tā bija kaut kāda kosmiska garīgās ģimenes sanāksme un reāli tie mūziķi diezgan labi savieno mūziku un transcendentālo. Un vispār es stipri appīpējos divas reizes un centos izvilkt labāko no šīs lietas. Paskatījos uz katru vismaz dažas sekundes ar beznosacījumu mīlestību, kā uz dvēseli, kas ir tik tuva un skaista, lai kādā ķermenī pašlaik iemiesotos. Un tad likās: tagad varētu mīlēties ar sevi vai jebkuru, kas būtu blakām (bet vēlams meiteni). Un tad es spontāni vērsos pie blakus esošās meitenes un mēs sākām kaut kādu pārpasaulīgu deju, ak. Tā bija reāli čista pārpasaulīgā deja, kāda man ir bijusi, jo es biju pa pusei transā.
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[Oct. 14th, 2024|11:22 am]
"True masters and true higher beings want you to be independent and strong." (Utsava)
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[Oct. 14th, 2024|11:42 am]
"Tie, kas nav izbrīnīti par šīs pasaules eksistences nejaušīgumu, ir mentāli apdalīti." (Arturs Šopenhauers)
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[Oct. 14th, 2024|11:51 am]
In times of great vexation
When one must choose between what's right and wrong
Freedom so they say
Amounts to the choices you have made

Through all the arbitrary
Rationale concerning liberty
Freedom I must say
Exists within unconditioned minds

Reason has come of age

How can you be satisfied with things the way they are
When all that surrounds us now and so much more
Remains inside the keeper's dark embrace?

The insatiable thirst for power has made
Idols out of mortals, gods into clay
Soldiers into heroes, children into slaves
All damned desires, their hopes betrayed

Who will suffer the laws
That state can decide
Your child's education
Unless you pay the price?

Who will suffer the laws?
Who will suffer their minds?
Who will suffer their words?
Who will suffer their designs?

Who will suffer the laws?
Who will suffer their minds?
Who will suffer their words?
Who will suffer their designs?
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